2. Copy of eMail sent to interested members 3 Jan 21 16:53z

This eMail is being sent to all members of the 97th who have (as at 16:30z 3 Jan 21) expressed interest in attending the Zoom meeting on 13th January to commemorate the 60th anniversary of joining the RAF.

Please bear in mind that all I know about using Zoom can be written on the edge of a postage stamp and still get lost.  So the following carries no “Farmer Guarantee” (I said that to a Wg Cdr once he replied “Want to bet?”)

We hope to send out the meeting link and password about a week before.   Apparently if we do it earlier, people are likely to forget there is a meeting! (would a member of the 97th ever forget anything – please do not reply to that)

It is recommended to download the Zoom App to laptop/computer or iPhone/iPad prior to joining the meeting although it can be done at the same time as joining the meeting.   There are a few zoom video tutorials available - just google 'zoom meetings'.  There is an option to practice at Zoom.com/test

We need to decide on a time for the start,  10 am GMT (In case you have forgotten - that’s the same as Zulu time) seems a sensible time as it is close to coffee time.

We should plan some kind of agenda as we cannot all talk at once which is what we do at a normal reunion!

How about?.   

1. A toast (glasses loaded) to absent colleagues and those no longer with us.

2. Any memories of that first day or days.

3. Thoughts for the future of the 97th Entry and reunions.

4. Any other news

Want to add something let me know please

Finally, I have added a number of pages to the web site to circulate news and updates about this event so please visit your site at www.97th.org follow the link at the bottom of the home page or do it the hard way by going to Galleries > Reunions > 60th anniversary.  On the page I have added a link box which should stay visible as you go down the page the lowest link “attending” takes you to a list of members who have shown interest.

Mike Farmer

687107 later C0687107 then 0687107C

60th Anniversary of Joining


Zoom Meeting

Go to:   Home Page,   Galleries Page, or Page 1, 2, Videos, Slideshow

1. The Idea

There has been a proposal that, due to covid 19, restrictions we should all meet together on the 13 January via a Zoom meeting to commemorate the 60th anniversary of our joining the RAF.

In the past 24 hours eMails have been sent to 37 members of the entry to judge the desire for such a gathering. The early response is that the majority will be in favour. So here is a very very rough out-line of the plan.

One of our members has an offspring who has a Zoom Business account that he/she is prepared to act as host.   Nearer the date I hope to receive from our host a link and password which I will send to all members who have expressed interest.

I know virtually nothing about Zoom Software but I understand that non-business accounts have a time limit on length of meetings, so using a business account means that we are not constricted to  a specific time slot.

I will use this page to keep you updated on the plan.  


I just ask you to contact me (the home page has a link) if you are interested and if you are in contact with any member of the 97th please let them know as the email addresses that I have date back to 2014 and I have already discovered that some are no longer in use.

Home Page Top of Page Back Attending

3.   Zoom Meeting Details - 8 Jan 21

At 16:04 today I sent an eMail to the 13 members who have expressed interest in joining the 60th Anniversary Zoom meeting on 13 Jan 21 and 1 member who in his reply did not say Yes or No! Please check your in box and let me know if you HAVE or HAVE NOT received the information.

If you are one of the 18 members who have not yet replied to the original eMail.  Please, Please drop me an eMail just to confirm that all is well and that we are still in touch. Mike.hbcwem@btinternet.com will find me.
