Pete Bennison’s Collection

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Ray Marshall, John Taylor, Rick Wier (all 96th), Dave Halliday, Harry Keegan (96th),  Brian Handy, Colin Gower, Bob Bishop (95th), Ron Spain (96th), Barry Robinson, Ted Bagent (96th), Pete Bennison, Jim Barnes.


Bill Bowley, Joe Derham, John Graham, Terry Wright (96th).

97th Members include:

Pete Bennison (Centre Drum Major (playing)),  Bill Bowley (centre Bass Drummer), Barry Robinson (centre above Bill’s head), Colin Gower (front row 2nd from left) and Joe Derham (behind the Drum major)  Note: the Drum major has knocked his cap off with the mace!

Left Right:

Dave Halliday, Jim Barnes, John Taylor (96th), Colin Gower, John Graham, Pete Bennison, Brian Handy, Ray Marshall (96th) & Terry Wright (96th)

