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Cliff Wilkinson’s Collection

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Cliff Wilkinson

Dave ‘Shinning’ White

Geoff Ray

Steve Elsmore

Gin and his shadows (Martin Sparshott and Roy Langley)

R and R

Brian Handy & John Graham

Brian Handy

Derek Watling

Air Force Discipline

Left to Right:

Roy Langley, Dave White, Gin Tonge, Martin Sparshott

Left to Right:

Roy Langley, Alec Wragg, Geoff Ray, Gin Tonge, John Rogers

Derek Watling, Gin Tonge

Left to Right:

Gin Tonge, Mick Swash, Alec Wragg, John Rogers, Mike Hodges, Dave White, Guy Pedrick

Standing: Pete Boucher, Alec Wragg, John Rogers, Budge Peachy.

Seated: Alan Brown